The birthday boy. As you might guess from his expression, he is not a fan of having his picture taken. He's also in desperate need of a grooming.
My puppy turns 15 years old today!
A few months ago, I didn't think I'd be saying those words. Last August/September, Benji went into kidney failure. Severe kidney failure. He lost 20% of his body weight and was refusing to eat. (If you'd smelled that prescription kidney-diet food, you'd refuse to eat, too.) The consensus was he wouldn't make it through the winter.
Yet here we are in spring (according to the calendar, anyway), and he's going strong. He's regained some kidney function. He's eating again and putting back some of the weight he lost. He's engaged and curious and active, albeit at a slower pace and with long naps in between. (Frankly, I'm jealous of his napping ability.)
We don't have any special celebration planned for today, but I think it's safe to say he'll be getting an extra treat or two as a reward for making it this far. Happy Birthday, Benji!